
If you're here to experience the joy of watercolor, whether by looking or making, you're in the right place.

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I've combined my passion for making with my passion for teaching. These impactful online learning opportunities are for any artist.

Wherever you are and whenever you have time.

"Alyssa has a knack for breaking down complex ideas and techniques. She leads you a long step by step. It really builds your confidence!" - Jackie

Explore Your Options

Want to paint on your own?

Paint This

Something for any level artist. Each workbook has detailed instructions, examples, and even step-by-step videos for each project.

"Alyssa's book and accompanying video directions are superlative for this brand new artist!! She is clear and concise and I am able to understand what she is doing. I cannot recommend this product enough for a beginner! I will buy all her books eventually!" -Nancy

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Ready to learn face to face?

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Join me around the Twin Cities in Minnesota or even over zoom for a variety of learning opportunities. Artists of any ability are welcome!

“I have taken a ton of art/craft classes over the years with different instructors and can honestly say, you were one of the best instructors. I really liked how organized, simple and understandable your teaching style is. It seemed all calculated for students to leave feeling very successful - which I did!" -Susan

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How do you feel when you create?

Calm? Anxious? Focused? Distracted?

Any or all of these could be true. Each of us approaches our paint palette with our own life experiences and emotions that we face on any given day.

Let me show you how to experience joy through watercolor.

Hi, I'm Alyssa

I am in awe of the world around us and find overwhelming joy in the process of documenting it through pen and watercolor.

When I draw something, I get to look at it more closely than I ever have before. It's an excuse to bask in the beauty around me.

When I get to teach someone watercolor, I thrive off of their oohs and ahs as they discover the relief of slowing down and playing with paint.

For anyone looking to give watercolor an honest chance, I recommend making a habit of it. I've created a month's worth of easy tutorials so anyone can get started exploring watercolor.

Are you ready to form a habit of watercolor painting?

Not sure about your next step? Let's Chat.